


The night sky on a clear night, is the most beautiful thing, the milky way, billions of stars just shining in the dark. The immense beauty of the universe spread out before us inviting us to enjoy the mystery of existence. I love being out at night taking photos, it's always so peaceful and quiet with the whole cosmos spread out above you.

  • The Milkyway From Pouakai Tarn

    The Milkyway From Pouakai Tarn

    The beauty of the night sky at its best. The milky way curving up over the top of Taranaki whose reflection is shown clearly in the Pouakai tarn. This shot was taken at about 1:30am in the morning after a two hour night climb to get to the tarn on a...
  • MIlkyway & Taranaki Reflected in Poukai Tarn

    Night Sky From Pouakai Tarn-3

    Spectacular night shot of the milky way stretching up into the heavens above Mt Egmont/Taranaki with the mountain and stars reflected in the calm clear water of Pouakai tarn. Maude and Henry peak can be seen to the left of the mountain.Framing &...
  • Night photo of Te Rewarewa bridge

    Te Rewa Rewa Bridge At Night-2

    Taranaki and the southern cross framed by Te Rewa Rewa bridge on a clear moonlit nightFraming & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend...
  • Night photo of Te Rewarewa bridge

    Te Rewa Rewa Bridge At Night-1

    Te Rewa Rewa bridge under a full moon with Taranaki and the southern cross framed by the bridge.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We...
  • Taranaki & The Milky Way

    Taranaki And The Milkyway

    The milky way displayed spectacularly over the top of Taranaki and the Pouakais on a stunningly celar and calm night. This shot is 180degree panaorama made up of 8 separate images. It was taken from the high point on the Poauakai plateau about 2:20am...
  • New Plymouth At Dawn

    New Plymouth Lights At Dawn

    A spectacular view of the New Plymouth city lights at dawn with Ruapehu and Ngarahoe silhouetted on the horizon. Taken from the top of Paritutu rock on a chilly winter morning. Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either...
  • Nightscape of Taranaki and the Milky Way

    Milky Way Over Taranaki-1

    Stunning night time image of Taranaki refelcted in Pouakai tarn and the milky way stretching over the top of the Pouakai ranges.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe...
  • Night Sky Above Thames

    Night Sky Above Thames-1

    The milky way and the night sky from Miranda looking out over the end of the Firth Of Thames .Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We...
  • Nightscape of Taranaki and the Milky Way

    Milky Way Over Taranaki-2

    The beauty of the night. The milky way stretching spectacularly over the top of the Pouakai ranges from the top of Taranaki to the distant coastal lights of New Plymoth city. The lights to the left of the mountain are from Hawera with the lights from...
  • Night time panorama of Taranaki

    Taranaki Nightscape Panorama

    A Beautiful night time panorama of Taranaki taken from the Waiwhakaio river mouth spanning from Te Rewa Rewa bridge to the port and Sugar Loaf islands. Taranaki, with its covering of winter snow, is lit up nicely by the full moon with the southern cross...
  • New Plymouth By Night

    New Plymouth Night View

    Beautiful night time panoramic view of New Plymouth spanning from the power station chimney and port to Mt Taranaki.  This shot was taken about an hour after sunset from the top of Paritutu rock. Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased...
  • Nightsky at blind bay

    Night Sky At Blind Bay-1

    Spectacular night shot of the milk way bursting up into the night sky abvoe Blind Bay, Great Barrier Island. The distant land mass out to sea is the Coromandel Peninsula, with the glow on the horizon caused by the waste light from Auckland city.Framing...
  • Full Moon Above Paritutu

    Full Moon Above Paritutu

    The full moon setting behind Paritutu at New Plymouth.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend aluminium prints due to their high...
  • Moonset From Paritutu

    Moonset From Paritutu

    The moon setting over the Tasman sea during the eraly hours of the morning from Paritutu.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend...
  • Night shot of Taranaki with southern cross

    Taranaki Under A Full Moon-2

    Taranaki and Te Rewa Rewa bridge lit u clearly by the full moon beneath the stars fo the southern cross.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process...
  • Full Moon

    Full Moon-1

    A full moon floating serenely in the black night sky.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend aluminium prints due to their high...
  • Moon Setting Over The Trees

    Moon Setting Over The Trees

    The moon setting over the trees a day after the full moon.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend aluminium prints due to their high...
  • Full Moon Rising

    Full Moon Rising

    The full moon rising above the trees on the opposite side of the valley from our house.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend...
  • Moon

    Half Moon

    An image of a half moon. I love the crisp crater detail you get along the endge of the shadow in these half moon shots.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye...
  • Milky Way Over The Tasman Sea

    Milky Way Over The Tasman Sea-1

    The curve of the milky way stretching out from Taranaki over the Tasman sea. The glow on the horizon is caused by the moon which had just set. Photo taken from the top of Paritutu rock with some of the Sugarloaf Islands in the foreground.Framing &...
  • Moon Set Below The Milky Way

    Moon Set Below The Milky Way

    The moon setting over the Tasman sea beneath the arc of the milky way as seen from the top of Paritutu. Taranaki can be seen in silhouette on the elft of the photo.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or...
  • Taranaki From Lake Rotomanu

    Taranaki From Lake Rotomanu-2

    Taranaki towering above Lake Rotomanu under the light of a full moon.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend aluminium prints due to...
  • Taranaki From Cape Rd

    Taranaki From Cape Rd

    Taranaki standing bold and beautiful in the moonlight. Taken from the Cape Rd at Pungerehu.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend...
  • Night Sky Above Thames

    Night Sky Above Thames-2

    The night sky looking towards Thames from Miranda with the milky way standing out brightly. Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend...
  • MIlkyway & Taranaki Reflected in Poukai Tarn

    Night Sky From Pouakai Tarn-4

    Taranaki and the milky way reflected in the clear waters of Pouakai Tarn.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend aluminium prints...
  • Te Rewa Rewa bridge at night

    Te Rewa Rewa Bridge At Night-3

    Te Rewa Rewa bridge spanning the Waiwhakaio river beneath the stars of the night sky. The southern cross can be seen just above the far side of the bridge.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on...
  • Back Beach by night

    Back Beach By Night-2

    Night time panorama at back beach, New Plymouth with the sugar loaf islands and Paritutu rock. The southern cross can be made out just above the cliffs on the left of the photo with the milky way curving up into the night sky.Framing & Mounting: This...
  • Back Beach by night

    Back Beach By Night-1

    Paritutu and the sugarloaf islands beneath the night sky at New Plymouths back beach.Framing & Mounting: This image can be purchased printed on either stretched canvas or on aluminium using the Chromaluxe dye sublimation process. We recommend...